The Ultimate Carryover (Muscle Fiber Recruitment)

One of the reasons I call my brand, “Nerve and Muscle” is that I like roots and to get to the bottom of things…

This is one of the reasons I enjoy studying history not because I could win some of those history trivia questions that came on the screen at the movie theaters in the early 2000s, but because it helped me to understand the events of the day better.

Our nervous system and our muscles are at the root of every movement we do. So are our connective tissues like tendons and our fascia but, “Tendon and Fascia” doesn’t really have a ring to it. Plus, the forms of training I pour myself into will improve these elements of our bodies as well.

Firm roots or a strong foundation can weather any catastrophe.

Therefore, why not train in a way that can upgrade your nervous system, musculature, and connective tissues all at once? Also…what if it doesn’t require as much equipment?

  1. Speed and Stamina Via Other Means

  2. Strength Via Other Means

  3. Muscle Via Other Means

  4. Where Has This Been All My Life?

  5. Wrap Up

Speed and Stamina Via Another Means

It was in 2016 that I realized I could train my conditioning without moving. That through exertion against an immovable object I was upgrading the contractile capabilities of my muscles. This type of train also aids the mind in becoming more aware of the muscles themselves which some refer to as the “Mind-Muscle Connection.”

Just as an example lets say before such training you can consciously access 50% of your muscle strength at any time.

  • Running

  • Lifting

  • Climbing

In addition to this, your antagonistic muscles, the ones that shouldn’t participate in the movement, are overly active decreasing your abilities as well. The typical answer to improve in these three activities would be to engage in these throughout the week so that over time you can access 51, 53, 56% percent, and so on.

However, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

By engaging your musculature more directly you can influence all these things and more. Take yourself from 50% to 60% and beyond in an efficient manner. This improved strength will translate to speed and endurance.

As Steve Justa would say you are increasing the energy in the muscle. Before you could perform an all-out sprint for 20 seconds whereas after some fiber recruitment training(muscle control, overcoming isometrics, etc), you can do it for 30. Still do your other training on the side though. ;)

What I’ve come to realize is that the training I used to engage in regularly becomes more of a test or measurement of my abilities to activate my muscle fibers properly.

Strength VIA Another Means

It wasn’t until I started heavily employing overcoming isometrics did I finally reach the one-arm pull-up. Through pulling immovable objects or combining this principle with my body weight I was nurturing my muscle fibers to greater power while at the same time strengthening my connective tissues.

If you’re familiar with Maxick he did the same thing with weight lifting.

If you properly prepare your foundation, you can easily jump into any physical activity of your choosing. You won’t be winning medals off the bat, but you will quickly improve.

Muscle Via Other Means

This is my current path.

Part of my mission in life.

And just like the top two, there are benefits to this. I’ll be covering this along with other things in my Nerve & Muscle Elite section of this site for a subscription fee of $3/month.

Where Has This Been All My Life?

This realm of training was put to good use in the early 20th century with many men and women benefiting from it but it has fallen off in recent times. But there are a few like myself who wish to bring it back.

The world is ready, and this realm of training is very beneficial, especially with the average person’s work schedule these days.

Not everything that’s beneficial is elevated by society though. Not everything that’s of low quality phases out, sometimes it skirts on by continuing to get money like some restaurants in Texas…

First came the gadgets, gear, and weight most of which are useful. Then came the chemicals to propel humans to a size we could never reach before. Then came a few other things. Our views on the human body have been altered and I would argue that some of this is for the worse. Back in the day, most would be pleased to look similar to the Farnese Hercules.

Now people want, or maybe have been influenced, more. What’s worse is that they do it at a cost to their health.

Folks value health and strength but the narratives of the day make this seem like it’s a huge commitment when in reality all one needs to do is set aside 20 minutes and get moving…or contracting.

The human body is capable of so much. We just need to give it the right stimulus.

Luckily there’s been a growth in calisthenics to show folks a different way to train if they’re not fond of the gym. Some are still unaware of what can be attained through bodyweight exercise but this will change over time.

Strengthening the body with little movement and through a strong mind-muscle connection will add more momentum to this change.

Wrap Up

Whether you lift weights, perform dips, throw baseballs, or engage in dance battles at the local club, there is a use for enhancing your muscle fiber recruitment.

It doesn’t take much

  • Time

  • Energy

  • Or Money

But it certainly requires mental concentration.

Until next time…


Nerve and Muscle Training Philosophy & Guide


Muscle Imbalance and Muscle Tension